Amidst talks of banning the organisation in Uttar Pradesh, India’s largest cadre-based Muslim organisation Popular Front of India (PFI), has called the police accusations...
“Hum Kagaz Nahin Dikhayenge” – Amid the raging protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens (NRC) across the country, here...
Amid all the protests we are doing throughout the country against Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), National Population Register (NPR) or National Register of Citizens...
The Bengaluru-based think tank, Vision Karnataka is organising a conference on the burning issue of Citizenship Act, called, “CAA & NRC: Cause, Effect &...
Over 1 Lakh people gathered at Bengaluru’s Quddus Saheb Eidgah grounds on Monday morning to protest against the sectarian and anti-Constitutional Citizenship Amendment Act...