In a startling revelation, renowned Islamic speaker Dr Zakir Naik claimed that the Indian government offered to scrap the cases against him in exchange...
Popular Front of India’s (PFI) Assam State President Aminul Haque and Office Secretary Muzammel Hoque, who were arrested last month, for allegedly conspiring, planning...
“Hum Kagaz Nahin Dikhayenge” – Amid the raging protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens (NRC) across the country, here...
Over 1 Lakh people gathered at Bengaluru’s Quddus Saheb Eidgah grounds on Monday morning to protest against the sectarian and anti-Constitutional Citizenship Amendment Act...
Anti Citizenship Act (CAA) demonstrators across India are carrying out peaceful protests as anger swells against the highly sectarian and anti-Constitutional Citizenship Amendment Act...