Muhammad Ali Siddiqui Was Born
On this day, on 7 March 1938, noted scholar, educationist, literary critic and columnist, Muhammad Ali Siddiqui was born. President of Progressive Writers Association at the time of his death, he had penned more than 100 research articles and 16 books of which two have been awarded ‘Best Book of the Year’.
Nizam Ali Khan, Asaf Jah II Was Born
On this day, on 7 March 1734, Nizam of Hyderabad, Nizam Ali Khan, Asaf Jah II was born. A Repute commander against the Marathas, he ensured they sued for lasting peace when he seized the Fort of Bidar. Eventually betrayed by Raghunathraoa, he signed a treaty ceding Daulatabad, Aurangabad and Sholapur to the Marathas.
In this article:Muhammad Ali Siddiqui, Nizam Ali Khan, On This Date, On This Day, On This Day In Islamic History, On This Day In Muslim History
Written By
Zainab Aliyah
Zainab Aliyah is a Staff Writer at The Cognate.

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