Ibn Majah Died
On this day, on 19 February 887, hadith scholar Ibn Majah died. He compiled the last of the six canonical collections of Hadith, Sunan Ibn Majah, wrote Kitab al-Tafsir, a book of tafsir and Kitab al-Tarikh, book of history and a manifestation of his knowledge and scholarship. The last two books, praised by scholars such as Ibn Kathīr, no longer exist.
Dr Muhammad Hamidullah Was Born
On this day, on 19 February 1908, Dr Muhammad Hamidullah, a scholar of hadiths and Islamic law and an academic author was born in Hyderabad. A prolific writer, he authored over one hundred books in English, French, German, Arabic and Urdu, and about 1000 scholarly essays and articles on the various aspects of Islam. He also translated the Qur’an into French.