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The Cognate


Dua to Seek Allah’s Forgiveness Abu-Hurayrah, [may Allāh be pleased with him], narrated that the Messenger of Allāh, صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ, would recite in prostration: اللَّهمَّ اغفِر لي ذنبي كُلَّهُ دِقَّهُ، وجِلَّهُ، وأوَّلَهُ وآخرَهُ وعلانيتَهُ وسِرَّهُ. Allāhumma-ghfir...


Dua for Stability اللَّهُمَّ اكْفِنِي بِحَلاَلِكَ عَنْ حَرَامِكَ وَأَغْنِنِي بِفَضْلِكَ عَمَّنْ سِوَاكَ Transliteration: Allahumma akfini bihalalika an haramika, wa aghnini bifadlika ‘amman siwaka “O...


On the authority of Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه), Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “Seek refuge (in Allah) from: اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ جَهْدِ الْبَلَاءِ، وَدَرَكِ الشَّقَاءِ، وَسُوءِ الْقَضَاءِ، وَشَمَاتَةِ الْأَعْدَاءِ Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’udhu bika min jahdil-balaa’i, wa...


الْحَمْـدُ للهِ حَمْـداً كَثـيراً طَيِّـباً مُبـارَكاً فيه، غَيْرَ مَكْفِيٍّ وَلا مُوَدَّعٍ وَلا مُسْتَغْـنىً عَنْـهُ رَبُّـنا Alhamdu lillahi hamdan katheeran tayyiban mubarakan feeh, ghayra makfiyyin...

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