First aired in 2014, this Turkish TV series has since taken audiences from around the world by storm. Dirilis: Ertugrul tells the story of Ertugrul Gazi – the father of Osman Gazi, who founded the Ottoman Empire that later became the Uthmani Khilafah.
The series is a great reminder of why Muslims became great. The characteristics the early Muslims possessed, and the relationship they had with Islam.
If you haven’t watched Dirilis: Ertugrul yet, you should.
In this article:Artuk Bey, Bamsi, Baycu Noyan, Caliphate, Dirilis, Dirilis Ertugrul, Dogan, Ertugrul, Halime Sultan, Hayme Hatun, Islam, Khilafah, Noyan, Ottomon Empire, Turgut, Turkish TV Series, Uthmani Khilafah
Written By
Shaik Zakeer Hussain
Shaik Zakeer Hussain is the Founder and Editor of The Cognate.