In a disturbing series of incidents reported from various parts of India, tension and violence have marred the aftermath of celebrations related to the...
In Gujarat’s Banaskantha district, a truck driver, Bachal Khan (37), found himself under arrest for allegedly offering ‘namaz’ (prayers) on the side of a...
Over 3,000 members of the Christian community have joined an online campaign titled “Not in our name,” expressing disapproval of their leaders’ participation in...
In a significant development, the Gujarat government has decided to withdraw security protection provided to witnesses, lawyers, and a former judge involved in key...
In a shocking incident in Uttar Pradesh’s Kushinagar District, two Muslim youths were reportedly kidnapped, stripped, and brutally beaten by members of the Hindu...
The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) is facing a wave of criticism following the revelation of its plan to demolish a 150-year-old mosque situated...