Pharos Media has published a book on the subject of sociology and Islam titled ‘Towards A Sociology of Islam‘ by Prof. Muhammad Al-Ghazali. The book is an academic initiative to free the Muslim and oriental mind from the euro-centric perspectives that have been shaping modern social thought. Despite a clear Western stamp on the concepts, theories, interests and conclusions that constitute “social sciences,” these are often perceived as “universal truths,” which they are not.
This new academic work by Prof. Muhammad Al-Ghazali, who has been taught at the International Islamic Universities in Pakistan and Malaysia seeks to debunk the myth that the current social sciences are universal.
This book attempts to critically examine the empirical methods adopted in the modern social sciences evolving in the historical context of post-medieval European society. It highlights the points of conflict that this method has with the Islamic worldview which created and sustained a distinct Islamic society for over a millennium. After outlining the singular features of Islamic society, it argues for adopting a new method based on the primacy of Islamic criteria of truth and reality.
The book identifies conceptual and methodological inaccuracies inherent in the western tradition and argues for adopting a new approach This new approach should stem from the roots of Islamic creed and culture, the author pleads, if only because Islamic and oriental societies should not and cannot be understood from an alien perspective deeply rooted in the Occidental psyche, history, ethos, interests and experience.
The book attempts to outline a broad framework for studying human society without being hostage to western secular and materialistic presumptions about the genesis and evolution of man and society.
After a critical examination of the presumptions that have been taken for granted in the modern social science project, the author focuses on the distinctive features of the ideal human society established by the Prophet of Islam in Madinah.
The book is a new primer on sociology and should be taught in the departments of sociology in all colleges and universities across the world to offer an alternative perspective on the discipline of sociology. The author hopes that this work will generate an academic process towards the development of a truly Islamic method of social research by competent and perceptive scholars. This work provides an authentic foundation for the proper development of a new discipline of sociology which could be termed as truly Islamic and oriental in its premises and conclusions. The book is available from Amazon and on Pharos Media.