The detention centre for overstaying foreigners and illegal immigrants on the outskirts of Bengaluru, which had been lying vacant for almost a year, has four inmates now and recently received three undocumented Bangladeshi immigrants, Times of India reported.
The centre at Sondekoppa, Nelamangala taluk, Bengaluru Rural district, got its first inmate in October this year when a Sudanese was shifted to the facility. He was later deported. The centre later housed another Sudanese national and two Tanzanians, who have since been deported. Sources said one of the Bangladeshis was caught stealing from an ATM kiosk in Electronics City while two others had entered India illegally and were living in Bengaluru after obtaining fake identity documents. They are awaiting deportation to their homeland.
The Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) is contacting Bangladesh and Congo authorities to facilitate their deportation.
As per the high court directions, over-staying foreigners will have to be sent to a detention centre if they are granted bail or acquitted. “If there are no criminal cases, their travel documents and expenditure will be arranged. If the person has a passport, then his/her family or friends will have to pay for the travel. Else, FRRO will contact respective countries to get the papers readied. Police will accompany them to the flight to ensure they return to their place,” an official said.
Rushda Fathima Khan is the Staff Reporter for The Cognate.