Muslims and non-Muslim rights activists and others have denounced the Centre’s decision to commemorate the criminalisation of instant triple talaq as ‘Muslim Women’s Rights Day’. Over 650 citizens signed a statement saying it is nothing but “cynical optics” of using Muslim women’s rights in the face of an “unprecedented” onslaught against the rights of the Muslims in recent years.
The activists said, declaring August 1 as Muslim Women’s Rights Day, calling it the celebration of a law that is fundamentally anti-minority, anti-women, anti-constitutional, only seeks to “disparage the Muslim community.”
Read the full statement below.
This government that has worked to ceaselessly one by one, decimate the constitutional rights of Muslims in India, now has the temerity to declare Muslim Women’s Rights Day on August 1. This, to celebrate its passage of its purportedly Anti-Triple Talaq law (Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019), that claimed to protect Muslim women’s rights, but in reality, had a more sinister purpose – to show Muslim men their place in a new India. To tell them that they can be criminalized even in civil matters. The Triple Talaq law was an abomination. It was then, and still is, nothing but a charade. Because no such law was needed to “protect Muslim women, or secure their rights” since the Supreme Court had already struck the Triple Talaq down. So, we voiced our opposition when the law was passed in Parliament in 2019, stating that – “You cannot pretend to save Muslim women while seeking to bring the Muslim community to its knees.” The sentiment is as true today as it was then.
This government has diluted Muslims’ rights to citizenship by enacting the discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 (CAA). The very Muslim women, in whose name you have declared August 1 as a day of “their rights” invited their government, even begged their government, to talk to them when they were out on the streets, protesting the CAA-NPR-NRC, in a desperate bid to save their future, their children’s future, their family’s future, in their own country. You responded to those Muslim women with the utter contempt of silence. Without even the pretence of democratic dialogue.
This government instead mercilessly arrested those who protested the CAA-NRC-NPR under anti-terror laws like UAPA. It jailed Muslim women who dared to take to their streets to protect their rights to citizenship. It has deprived Muslim women of their youthful children, who languish today in jails. It has deprived Muslim women of husbands, who are incarcerated. It has placed in detention centres Muslim women, men, children and transpersons who could not produce “citizenship papers” in Assam.
This government has remained silent as Muslims have been lynched, and its leaders have garlanded the lynchers. The BJP both at the centre and through its state governments, has determinedly “gone after” Muslims under myriad laws, both old, new and proposed – beef bans, anti-conversion, including the recent Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Ordinance, 2020, and its proposed U.P. Population Control Bill. It has systematically tried to rob Muslims of their right to livelihood, and Muslim women of their agency.
This government has remained silent as men exhorted mobs to rape Muslim women (most recently in Pataudi). It has remained silent, without a single comment, tweet or tear, as Muslim women’s bodies have become the object of “Sulli Deals” by right wing online mobs.
Such a government has no moral right to declare any national day in the name of Muslim women.
We collectively, as citizens of India – Muslim and non-Muslim women, men and trans persons across castes and regions – reject the cynical optics of a “Muslim Women’s Rights Day” by a government intent on reducing all Muslims to second-class citizens.
What we demand is the release of Gulfisha Fatima and Ishrat Jahan, both Muslim women, from unjust incarceration. On behalf of Sabiha Ilyas, a Muslim woman, we demand the release of her son, Umar Khalid from unjust incarceration. On behalf of Nargis Saifi, a Muslim woman, we demand the release of her husband Khalid Saifi from unjust incarceration. On behalf of Afshan Rahim, a Muslim woman, we demand the release of her son, Sharjeel Imam from unjust incarceration. On behalf of Fatima Nafees, a Muslim woman, we ask you to find her son, Najeeb. On behalf of Raihanath Kappan, a Muslim woman, we ask you to release her husband, Siddique Kappan from incarceration. On behalf of Ayesha Sultana, a Muslim woman, charged with sedition for stating that officials must follow Covid protocols in Lakshadweep, we ask you to unconditionally drop all charges. On behalf of Safoora Zargar, a Muslim woman, we ask that she, like all other Muslim activists, lawyers, journalists, students, be freed of the false and malicious cases filed against them by this government. There is a long such list, Mr. Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi.
After you have done that, please then sit with us. With all of us, Muslim and Non-Muslim women, men and transpersons, who believe in our democracy and its promise of equality. And then we can discuss that appropriate day of ‘declaration’ in the future, when Muslim women feel their rights are secure, and they want the whole nation to celebrate their rightful and visible place in this democracy.
We are,
1. Farah Naqvi Delhi Writer & Activist
2. Syeda Hameed Delhi Muslim Women’s Forum
3. Aruna Roy Devdoongri, Rajasthan MKSS
4. Ayesha Kidwai Delhi Professor, JNU
5. Mohini Giri New Delhi Guild of service
6. Poonam Kaushik Delhi General Secretary Pragatisheel Mahila Sangathan Delhi
7. Hasina Khan Mumbai Bebaak Collective
8. Teesta Setalvad Mumbai Independent
9. Kavita Krishnan Delhi AIPWA
10. Annie Raja Kerala National Federation of Indian Women
11. Subhashini Ali Kanpur AIDWA VICE PRESIDENT
12. Kavita Srivastva Jaipur PUCL
13. Rushda Siddiqui New Delhi NFIW
14. Smita Gupta New Delhi Economist and Activist
15. Chayanika Shah Mumbai Forum Against Oppression of Women
16. Meera Sanghamitra Hyderabad National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM)
17. Jayati Ghosh Northampton University of Massachusetts at Amherst USA
18. A.Suneetha Hyderabad Women and Transgender Joint Action
19. Shabnam Hashmi Delhi ANHAD
20. Abha Bhaiyya Himachal Jagori Grameen
21. Meena Saraswathi Seshu Sangli Vidhrohi Mahila Manch
22. Sehba Farooqui Delhi AIDWA Delhi
23. SAHELI Women’s Resource Centre New Delhi NCR Feminist activists
24. Sharifa Siddiqui Secunderabad Hyderabad Muslim Women’s Forum
25. Lara Jesani Mumbai People’s Union for Civil Liberties
26. Arundhati Dhuru Lucknow NAPM
27. Aparna Delhi President, National Committee, IFTU
28. Apeksha Priyadarshini NEW DELHI Bhagat Singh Ambedkar Students Organization, JNU
29. Nivedita Menon Delhi JNU
30. Zoya Hasan Delhi Professor Emerita, Jawaharlal Nehru University
31. Khalida Parveen Hyderabad Amoomat Society
32. Tara Rai Mumbai The Feminist Collective
33. Admiral L Ramdas Alibag Former Chief of Naval Staff
34. Nikhat Fatima Hyderabad Journalist, civil rights activist
35. Navsharan Singh Noida Writer and activist
36. Nisha Biswas Kolkata Feminists in Resistance
37. Prof. Mohan Rao Bangalore Jan Swasthya Abhiyan38. Anukriti Delhi CREA
39. Anjali Bhardwaj Delhi SNS
40. Amrita Johri New Delhi SNS
41. Apoorvanand Delhi Independent
42. Mariam Dhawale New Delhi All India Democratic Women’s Association
43. M. Maqbool Ahmed Hyderabad United Citizens’ Forum
44. Nandini Sundar Delhi Sociologist
45. Bhasha Singh Delhi Journalist
46. Sayantan Datta Hyderabad
47. Afreen Fatima Delhi Fraternity Movement
48. Samina Banu Bangalore FORWARD TRUST
49. Armaity Irani Mumbai CITU
50. Fahad Ahmad Bareilly TISS, Munbai
51. Tariq Hasib Haryana Independent
52. NASIM Naik Navi mumbai Bebaak Collective
53. Tashi Choedup Hyderabad None
54. Nasreen Syed Bangalore Independent
55. Mridul Mumbai Technology Professional
56. Rafiul Rahman Delhi Activist
57. Meena Gopal Mumbai Forum Against Oppression of Women
58. Apeksha Vora Mumbai Independent
59. Azra Kidwai Delhi Muslim Women’s Forum
60. Geeta Pune Independent
61. Pushpa Achanta Bangalore Women Against Sexual Violence & State Suppression
62. Syeda Lameeya Parween Delhi Independent
63. Priyadarshini Chitrangada Kolkata Independent Gender rights activist
64. Tasneem Farzana Bangalore Independent
65. Jameela Begum Mumbai Independent
66. Smriti Nevatia Bombay Freelance writer/editor
67. Sahba Syed Lucknow Independent
68. Akash Bhattacharya Bangalore Azim Premji University
69. Farid Mumbai Independent
70. Hamza Shaikh Mumbai Student
71. Chitra Mumbai Independent
72. Rumi Harish Bangalore Research consultant
73. Pawan Dhall Kolkata Independent
74. Nazneen Shaikh from Dhule Singal
75. Sujata Gothoskar Mumbai Forum Against Oppression of Women
76. Yakub Mohammed Udaipur Sahayogi NGO
77. Shabana Diler Pune Independent
78. Kamaxi Bhate Mumbai Independent
79. Humaira Mumbai Independent
80. Shuddhabrata Sengupta Delhi Independent
81. Anam Delhi Independent
82. Ranjana Kanhere Shahada Independent
83. Rakhi Sehgal New Delhi Independent
84. Dr Shahina Jaipur Independent
85. Ghazala Jamil New Delhi Jawaharlal Nehru University
86. Sandhya Gokhale Mumbai Forum Against Oppression of Women
87. D G Mahajan Mumbai Independent
88. Nayla Hyderabad Independent
89. Aawaaz-E-Niswaan Mumbai Independent
90. अविनाश कदम ठाणे विद्रोही सांस्कृतिक चळवळ
91. Syed majid hashmi Hyderabad Independent
92. Meena Godad Mumbai Independent
93. Khatija Khan Hyderabad HMWF
94. Sheikh Khurshid Alam Kolkata Knowledge Ocean Foundation
95. Sadiya Riyaz Shaikh Mumbai Socio-poltical Activist
96. Ammu Abraham Mumbai Forum against oppression of women
97. Maya Krishna Rao New Delhi Theatre Artist
98. Shibili Suhanah Kasaragod Independent
99. Meenal Gupta Gorakhpur Independent
100. Feroz Khan MUMBAI Independent
101. Abdulhafiz Lakhani Ahmedabad Editor siyasat dot net Journalist
102. Shikhar Prakash Allahabad Independent
103. Sheema Mumbai Independent
104. Meghna Chakravorty Kolkata Student
105. Chirashree Das Gupta New Delhi Jawaharlal Nehru University
106. Ijlal Lucknow Independent
107. Bharti Mumbai Independent
108. Jahnvi Delhi. Independent
109. Larissa Pitter Mumbai Independent
110. Sucharita Sen New Delhi JNU
111. Susan Abraham Mumbai Lawyer
112. Rema Kandaramath Ottapalam, Palakkad Independent
113. Peehu Pardeshi Mumbai JSA Mumbai
114. Pratiksha Baxi Delhi Academic
115. Antara Dev Sen Delhi Journalist
116. Dr Mohd Imran Patel Mumbai Independent
117. Damni New Delhi Independent
118. Deepapriya Vishwanathan Mumbai Independent
119. Gayatri Singh Mumbai WPC, PUCL
120. Saba khan Bhopal Independent
121. Sahba Husain New Delhi Independent
122. Moina Bangalore FORWARD trust
123. Muhammad Shamsuddin Kurnool Independent
124. Humera Koppal Forward
125. Shaista Khanam Riyadh Affiliate
126. Freeda Nicholas Mumbai Independent
127. Lubna Parveen Mumbai Bebaak Collective
128. Dr Sabiha khan Indore Independent
129. Avinash Kumar Delhi Asst. Professor, JNU
130. Shaima Delhi Independent
131. Asma Hyderabad Academic
132. Andi Delhi Independent
133. Shals Mahajan Mumbai Writer
134. Musarat Shaikh Mumbai Independent
135. Tinku Khanna Kolkata Social Worker
136. Amir Khan Delhi Independent
137. Nandini Rao New Delhi WSS
138. Afreen Khan Mumbai Independent
139. Anandi Pandey Lucknow Independent
140. Umara New Delhi Independent
141. Vikas Rawal New Delhi JNU
142. Farzana Bangalore Forward trust
143. Angeli Surendran Pune Independent
144. Rubina Mazhar Hyderabad Independent
145. Uzma Azhar Delhi Independent
146. Asrarul H Jeelani New Delhi Independent
147. Simeen Anjum New Delhi Independent
148. Siddharth Jha Dehradun JNU student
149. Shaik Javeed Hyderabad Independent
150. M A Ahmed Hyderabad Independent
151. Sameera Khan Mumbai Independent Journalist and Writer
152. Khairun nisha Ahmedabad Independent
153. Aamir Edresy Mumbai President, Association of Muslim Professionals
154. Sifwa Mak New Delhi Jawaharlal Nehru University
155. Mohammad Aslam Ghazi Mumbai President APCR Maharashtra
156. Avinash Kumar New Delhi Independent
157. Ankita Kohirkar Mumbai Independent
158. Salim Hamza Saboowalla Mumbai Social Activist.
159. Fathima Jaseena M Kozhikode Farook Training college
160. Anuradha Bagadthey Kolkata Independent
161. Rajshree Chandra Delhi NCR Delhi University
162. Surbhi Vatsa New Delhi Independent
163. Dr. Qaiser Shamim Delhi Independent
164. Ambreen Khan Mumbai Independent
165. Shubham Mumbai TISS, Mumbai
166. Nandini Manjrekar Mumbai Independent
167. Koninika Ray New Delhi National Federation of Indian Women
168. Deepali S Ghelani VADODARA Independent
169. Mohd Shafique Mumbai Independent
170. Aman Barde Mumbai Independent
171. Ankita Dhar New Delhi Pinjratod
172. Aman Barde Mumbai Independent
173. Nisha Agrawal New Delhi Independent
174. Amir Rizvi Mumbai Independent
175. Shalini Dhawan Mumbai Independent
176. Aruna Burte Pune Independent
177. Farhan Khan Ghazipur Independent
178. Haridas Thrissur Independent
179. Hadi Zamindar Thane Independent
180. Rizwan Ahmad Muzaffarpur Independent
181. Syed Akhtar Husain New Delhi Independent
182. Hiba Shad Kannur, kerala Independent
183. Nilofer shaikh Mumbai Independent
184. Dr. Maskoor Ahmad Usmani New Delhi Former President AMU Students Union, Congress Leader
185. ABRAR HUSAIN ANSARI Dhule Independent
186. Amita Singh Bhopal National Hospital
187. Samreen Hyderabad Independent
188. Rida Tharana Bangalore Independent
189. Jashodhara Dasgupta New Delhi Independent
190. Shahla Abdul Jabbar PALAKKAD Independent
191. Megha S Bombay Independent
192. SM Suleman Aurangabad Independent
193. Ammu Joseph Bangalore Independent writer
194. Anuradha Delhi Independent
195. Hashir Calicut Independent
196. Mirza Zafar Jalgaon Independent
197. Indu Chandrasekhar Delhi Independent
198. Rhea Delhi Ashoka University
199. Deepti Bharti Ghaziabad NFIW
200. Khan Nazima Mumbai Independent
201. Shahrukh Alam Delhi Lawyer
202. Vasimullah Farooqui Mumbai Independent
203. Khalid Jameel AMRAVATI Independent
204. Chitra Bhopal Independent
205. अजित पाटील Mumbai भाकपा (माले) लिबरेशन
206. Jayapriya Vasudevan Bangalore Independent
207. Najmussaquib Lucknow Independet
208. Mohd Khalid Bhati Mumbai Independent
209. Saratchand C Delhi University of Delhi
210. Shalini Gera Bilaspur Lawyer
211. Vidya Dinker Mangalore INSAF
212. Waheeda Bi Khan Karwar Karnatak University P.G.Centre
213. M.Nadeem Mumbai Independent
214. Hoosen Karim Essenwood, Furban Independent
215. Karthik Delhi Independent
216. Lalita Ramdas Alibag Independent
217. Dr. K M Srinivasa Gowda Bangalore Independent
218. Aleema K E KOZHIKODE Independent
219. Nausheen Mumbai Independent
220. Maryse Mumbai Independent
221. Sayoni Basu Gurgaon Independent
222. Mannika Chopra New Delhi Independent
223. Abdul Razak Mumbai Independent
224. Muhammad Tariq Mirza Surat Independent
225. Eisha Hussain Delhi Independent
226. Ashish Paliwal Delhi Independent
227. Huma ahmed Delhi Independent
228. Mallika Ghosh Gurgaon Independent
229. Samina New Delhi Independent
230. Sajida Momin Mangalore, Karnataka Forward Trust
231. Aakash Rohtak Independent
232. Dr. ZARINA Kozhikode Independent
233. Frazer Mascarenhas Mumbai Independent
234. Arpita Das New Delhi Yoda Press
235. Shafi Gehlot Mumbai Independent
236. Aruna Haryana NFIW
237. Abida Farooqui Malappuram Independent
238. Priya Dharshini Delhi Independent
239. Kaneez Fathima Hyderabad Activist
240. Zeenat Shaukat Ali Mumbai Wisdom Foundation
241. Bonita Goa Independent
242. Mohammad Nazeer Nagpur Independent
243. Anna Philipose Bangalore Home Maker
244. H. C. Kalita Dibrugarh Service
245. Ajitha G S Bangalore Editor, Books
246. Ritambhara Shastri Delhi Journalist
247. Tahir Bengaluru Independent
248. Hiba Thrissur, Kerala Independent
249. Tahseen Alam Delhi Independent
250. Asra Fatima Delhi Independent
251. Amitabha Ray Delhi Independent
252. Anil Bisht Nainital Independent
254. Prabha Pandey Mumbai Independent
255. Saleem Bakas Khan Mumbai Independent
256. Shewli Kumar Mumbai Independent
257. Gulfisha Tanzil Abdul Farooque Amravati Independent
258. Vineeta Bal Pune Academic
259. Manjula Pradeep Ahmedabad NCWL
260. KJ Singh Mumbai Independent
261. Shadab Muzaffarnagar Independent
262. Nupur Basu Bangalore Journalist
263. Parvati Sharma Delhi Independent
264. Faiza Rehman Meerut Independent
265. Debarati Choudhury Hyderabad Student/ researcher
266. Lydith pinto Mangalore Independent
267. Iqra Haldwani Independent
268. Dipta Bhog New Delhi Independent Researcher
269. Waris MUMBAI Independent
270. Muhsina M. Malappuram Independent
271. Amberin memon Mumbai Independent
272. Vasantha Kumari Delhi WSS
273. Dr Mohammad Athar Khan Allahabad Independent
274. Asma Menon Chennai Independent
275. Salih Kannur Independent
277. Atiya Zaidi Delhi Independent
278. Femina Kozhikode Independent
279. Johanna Lokhande Pune Independent
280. Titas Ghosh Delhi Independent
281. Uma Chakravarti delhi retired teacher
282. Ayesha Mysore Independent
283. Shamleena Mustafa Kozhikode Independent
284. Himayat ali khan Hyderabad Independent
285. Noora Kozhikode Independent
286. Madhusree Dutta Mumbai Filmmaker
287. Shamleena Mustafa Kozhikode Affiliation
288. Mandira Sen Kolkats Director, Stree Samya
289. Bushra Jahan Begum Hyderabad Independent
290. Ahmed Mumbai Independent
291. Suneeta D New Delhi Activist
292. Prof.Dr.S.M.Haneef Mumbai Jogeshwari Education Movement
293. Tahir Lucknow Independent
294. Swaliha Mangaluru CAHS
295. Ritu Menon New Delhi Writer / Pblisher
296. Zoeb Bootwala Mumbai Independent
297. Ananya Iyer Noida Independent
298. Mohammad Nadeem Bangalore Independent
299. Mohammed Ismail Hulmani Mumbai Independent
300. Nazeer Dubai Independent
301. Vidhya Delhi WSS
302. Musab Mohammad Aslam Ghazi Mumbai Independent
303. Asad Siddiqui Hyderabad Independent
304. Mondira Jaisimha Hyderabad Independent
305. Farooq Hyderabad Independent
306. Amina Kasargod independent
307. Farida Abdulla Delhi Independent researcher
308. Aditi Chowdhury Kolkata Citizen Activist
309. Zulfikar Chandiwala Mumbai Independent
310. Sumit Chowdhury Kolkata Documentary Filmmaker
311. Sagari R Ramdas Hyderabad Food Sovereignty Alliance , India
312. Seema Baquer Delhi Independent Consultant
313. Sidra Ali Kolkata Independent
314. Sadaat Delhi Independent
315. Fathima N V Areekode Independent
316. Kausar sultana Aurangabad Independent
317. Akhileshwari Ramagoud Secunderabad Independent Journalist and Academic
318. Kahkashan Lucknow Videographar
319. Saddaque Hasan Kolkata Independent
320. Khushboo Khan Delhi Independent
321. Punam Sawhney Mumbai Independent
322. Qudasiya K Sayed Thane, Mumbai Assistant Professor in History
323. Rohini Muthuswami New Delhi Independent
324. Shamima perveen Patna India
325. Aisha Muscat Independent
326. Khan Shamim Mumbai Bebaak collective
327. Niloufer Bhagwat Mumbai Independent
328. Shamima Perveen Bihar Independent
329. Yusuf Alam Yunus Alam Siddiqui Solapur Independent
330. Sayeed Anjum New Delhi Independent
331. Javed Anis Bhopal Independent
332. Yousuf Zaheer New Delhi Independent
333. Aaysha Lucknow Independent
334. Bhanu Pratap Pune Manuski
335. Eisha Choudhary New Delhi Independent
336. Maya Vadodara Independent
337. Himanjali Gurgaon Independent
338. Asma Hazir Mumbai Independent
339. Anusheh Hussain Delhi Independent
340. KHALID ANJUM Delhi Independent
341. Suman Parmar Delhi Independent
342. Q Annie Hasan Hyderabad Hospital
343. Vimala.k.s Bengaluru AIDWA
344. Asif Bakshi Kashmir Independent
345. Ahsanulhaq Chisty Thane Independent
346. Mathew S Thomas Ernakulam Independent
347. Sankaranarayanan. K Gurgaon Independent
348. Shamima perveen Patna Izad, Patna
349. Ammara Qaisar Delhi Independent
350. Usman Gani Mumbai Independent
351. Pritha Mumbai Independent
352. Madhu Bhushan Bangalore Women’s Rights Activist
353. Asad Ashraf Delhi Journalist
354. Ms. Husain Telengana Independent
355. Pamela Philipose Delhi Independent
356. Dr.NUZHAT FATIMA PRAYAGRAJ Hamidia Girls’ Degree College (University of Allahabad)
357. Shahnawaz Hussain Mumbai Independent
358. Khaliquzzaman Nagpur Jamate Islami
359. Mohammed Moinuddin Hyderabad J.I.H
360. Shakeel ur Rahman Patna Doctor
361. Shahina Shaikh KARWAR, Karnataka Independent
362. Sheeba Aslam Fehmi New Delhi Independent
363. Veena Shatrugna Bengaluru Independent Medical researcher
364. Ansari Saima Mumbai Independent
365. Subash Masters New Delhi Independent
366. Ridhima New Delhi Independent
367. Masarrath Fatima Hyderabad Independent
368. Mumtaz Shaikh Mumbai Mahila Mandal federation
369. Maha Prasad Allahabad Advocate, High Court
370. Musharraf Taj Delhi Independent
372. Kherunnisa Nimbahera House wife
373. Malek Hashim Anand Independent
374. Shweta Tambe Mumbai Platform for Social Justice
375. Geeta Seshu Mumbai Journalist
376. Syed Saifuddin Hyderabad Independent
377. Susie Tharu Hyderabad Independent
378. Zafar Ahmad Nagpur Independent
379. Deepak Kumar New Delhi CSLG, JNU
380. Khurshid Alam Mumbai Independent
381. Madhavi Bajekal Bangalore None
382. Nidhi Delhi Independent
383. SABIR AMEER Prayagraj Affiliation
384. Faraz Ahmad Gorakhpur Independent
385. Smita Mumbai Independent
386. Dr. Gulrukh Khan Noida Independent
387. Javed Khan Mumbai Independent
388. Farah Batool Delhi Independent
389. Keya Dasgupta Kolkata Independent
390. Jeroo Mulla Mumbai Independent
391. Sachin Shrivastava Bhopal Samvidhan live
392. Neha Trivedi MUMBAI Independent
393. Teena Gill Delhi Independent filmmaker
394. Arshi Mehboob Noida Independent
395. Farrukh S Waris Mumbai Independent
396. Subhendu Dasgupta Kolkata Independent
397. Shaikh Massarat Solapur Independent
398. Suparna Sharma Gurgaon Journalist
399. Khatija Fatima Hyderabad Independent
400. Lakshmi Krishnamurty Bangalore Alarippu – retired
401. Adv. A. R. (Saleem) Yusuf Shaikh Bhiwandi Independent
402. Koel Chatterji Kolkata Feminists in Resistance
403. Adv Payal Gaikwad Nagpur Advocate
404. Gitanjali Joshua Hyderabad Researcher
405. Sandhya Srinivasan Mumbai Independent
406. Richa Jha Noida Independent
407. Hena Ahmad Noida Independent
408. Rehmat Merchant Bangalore Independent
409. Mohammed Shaikh Mumbai Independent
410. D P New Delhi Independent
411. Seema Bhopal Independent
412. Aasha Ramesh Bengaluru Independent Women’s Rights Activist/Researcher
413. Putul Sathe Thane West Independent
414. Deshdeep Dhankhar Delhi University of Hyderabad
415. Lambert Solomon Curtorim Independent
416. RAJEEV KHANNA Solan Independent
417. Advocate Dr Shalu Nigam NEW DELHI Independent
418. Lovita Mumbai Independent
419. Sarojini Delhi Independent, Public Health Practitioner
420. Amrita Hyderabad Independent
421. Ramesh Dixit Lucknow. Samvidhan Bachao Desh Bachao Abhiyan, Uttar Pradesh.
422. Sukla Sen Mumbai Peace Activist
423. Ahtesham ul Haque New Delhi Independent
424. Farook Mumbai Independent
425. Shweta R Rashmi New Delhi Takshak Post
426. Raisa Khatoon Lucknow Independent
427. Goldy M George Raipur Dalit Mukti Morcha, Chhattisgarh
428. Chun kapur Coonoor Nil
429. Asma Hyderabad Academic
430. Rita Manchanda New Delhi Human Rights & Peace Scholar Activist
431. Rizwana Lucknow Independent
432. Ahmed Abdul Gaffar Hyderabad Independent
433. Kehkashan Lucknow Independent
434. Satish Misra Noida Independent
435. Vandana kulkarni Pune Independent
436. Noorin Khan New Delhi Independent
437. Shilpaa Anand Hyderabad BITS-Pilani Hyderabad Campus
438. Imaad New Delhi Independent
439. K.Manjari Hyderabad National Alliance of Journalists
440. Devika singh Delhi Independent
441. Arpita Jaya Delhi Researcher
442. Vimala KS Bengaluru Samudaya
443. Syed Mohd Jamal Mahmood Aligarh Independent
444. Atika New Delhi Independent
445. Abhay Kardeguddi Pune Independent
446. Kalyani Menon Sen Gurgaon Independent
447. Nihal Kumar New Delhi Independent
448. Amiti Sen Delhi Independent
449. Pragati Mumbai Independent
451. Rashmi Devi Kanpur NCWL
453. Sadhika Tiwari New Delhi IndiaSpend
454. Shivani Delhi Independent
455. Dr. Lamaan Sami Aligarh Aligarh Muslim University
456. Wandana Sonalkar Navi Mumbai Independent
457. Meera Dewan New Delhi Independent
458. Tanvi Jadwani DELHI Children’s Art Association/ not-for-profit
459. Vandana Misra Lucknow PUCL
460. Amitabha Bhattacharya Delhi Independent
461. Vijay Sood Bangalore Independent
462. Anees Ahmad Abdul Aziz Shaikh Kalyan Independent
463. Vani Subramanian Delhi Independent Film maker
464. Gulzar Karishma Malik Hyderabad Independent
465. Khadijah Faruquu New Delhi Indipendent
466. Ashish Varma Noida Independent
467. Sharada Gopal Dharwad Independent
468. Adwait Pednekar Mumbai Marxist and Science Movement
469. Dr Nasser Yusuf KOZHIKODE Independent
470. Farah Mumbai Independent
471. Pakiza Samad Delhi Independent
472. B.Girija HYDERABAD Independent
473. Samina Ahmedabad Independent
474. Umar Khan Jamshedpur Independent
475. Nargis Kausar Ab. Rashid Nagpur Independent
476. T K RAJALAKSHMI Ghaziabad Journalist
477. Rashida Bano Ab. Rashid Yavatmal Independent
478. Manoranjan Mohanty Delhi Retd Prof DU
479. Nazneen Kausar Ab Bari Amravati Independent
480. Maitrayee Chaudhuri New Delhi Teacher
481. Anisha Ahuja Mumbai Independent
482. Preeti Mehra Delhi Independent
483. N S Yamuna Bengaluru Independent
484. Anuradha Banerji New Delhi Saheli/Researcher
485. Zeeshan Khan Mumba Independent
486. Ravinder Goel Delhi Independent
487. Lubna Khan Mumbai Independent
488. SN Hasan Hyderabad Independent
489. Anjum Sangli Independent
490. Maqbool Saleem Aurangabad Independent
491. Najma Rehmani Delhi Delhi University
492. A. N. Srinath Hyderabad Independent
493. Anil Kumar New Delhi University of Delhi
494. Ali Asgar Kalamnuri Independent
495. Mamta Singh Lucknow Independent
496. S. Durga Bhavani Hyderabad NA
497. Neetisha Xalxo Ranchi Bahujan Sahitya Sangh
498. Dr. Abhay Kumar Delhi JNU
499. Mandira Mitra New Delhi Independent
500. Abdul Hyderabad Independent
501. Rajni Palriwala Delhi AIDWA
502. Geeta Thatra New Delhi JNU
503. Geeta Pande Nainital Independent
504. Vibha Puri Das Dehradun Independent
505. Dhanu Swadi Shimla Independent
506. Bittu K R Sonipat Haryana THITS, WSS
507. Yasar khan Chopda Independent
508. Debjani Sengupta Delhi IP College, Delhi University
509. Kirti Singh Delhi Lawyer
510. Nandini Kolkata Independent
511. Gautam Bhattacharya Delhi Independent
512. Md. Khadar Mogudini (Javed) Rajahmundry Independent
513. SHABNAM AKRAM DELHI Independent
514. Farhan ahmed jamshedpur Independent
515. Utpala Mukherjee New Delhi Independent
516. Keval Arora New Delhi College teacher
517. Qamrul Istam Abu Abu Dhabi Yes
518. Virginia Saldanha Mumbai Indian Christian Women’s Movement
519. Arif Shaikh Mumbai Independent
520. Sarfaraz Ahmed Khan Mumbai Journalist
521. Rubina Khaliq New Delhi Ngo
522. Akifa Basri Ballari JIH
523. Fahiza Begum Hyderabad Independent
525. Maimoona Mollah New Delhi AIDWA Delhi
526. Prof Zenab Banu Udaipur Bohra youth Girls’ wing
527. Dr Lubna Hyderabad Independent
528. Purnendu Delhi Independent
529. Shoeb Miya Rashid Miya Deshmukh Yavatmal Independent
530. Sabina Delhi Independent
531. Babar Hameed Delhi Independent
532. Anita Rampal Delhi Independent
533. Kazi Hasan Arabi Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh Independent
534. Zubala Marium Delhi Independent
535. Sadhna Arya Delhi University of Delhi
536. Shaheen Afzal Ansari Mumbai Independent
537. Kamal Malhi CHANDIGARH Independent
538. Ayesha Ahmed New Delhi Independent
539. SHAIKH JAVED A Jalgaon Independent
540. Bushra Bhati Mumbai Independent
541. Persis Ginwalla Ahmedabad Independent
542. Sudha Mumbai JNU
543. Haseena P Y Kollam Engineer
544. Bindu Delhi Independent
545. Gazanfer Ali Udaipur Independent
546. Neelam New Delhi Independent
547. Muralidharan New Delhi National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled
548. Mohini Giri New Delhi Former Chairperson NCW
549. Junaid Bhati Mumbai Independent
550. Safia Mehdi New Delhi Member, Muslim Women’s Forum
551. Cedric Prakash AHMEDABAD INDIA Human Rights & Peace Activist
552. Reyaz Ahmed New Delhi Muslim Women’s Forum
553. Malini Ghosr New Delhi Independent
554. Soumya Lamba New Delhi Muslim Women’s Forum
555. Warisha Farasat Delhi Advocate
556. Anjana Mangalagiri New Delhi Independent
557. Kavita Bajeli Datt New Delhi Independent
558. SK Das Gurgaon Independent
559. Zeeba Mumbai Independent
560. Rashida Sayeed Mumbai Teacher
561. Uzma Anjum NEW DELHI Independent
562. Shubham Kumar Muzaffarpur Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
563. Rochita Talukder Kolkata Independent
564. Shakeel Khan Mumbai Independent
565. Sudha Mumbai Independent
566. Shadab Shaheen Navi Mumbai Affiliation
567. Vandana Mahajan New Delhi Independent
568. Sonya J Nair Thiruvananthapuram Independent
569. Dinesh Sahni New Delhi Retired
570. Rafia Khan New Delhi Independent
571. Komala VR Bengaluru Independent
572. Sabina Chennai RGS
573. Alwyn New Delhi Independent
574. Sheba George Ahmedabad Independent
575. Sudha N Bangalore Independent
576. MD.SHARIQUE EHSAN Kolkata Independent
577. Siddhartha Mitra Delhi Independent
578. Kiran Moghe Pune Pune Zilha Gharkamgar Sanghatana
579. Zarin New Delhi Independent
580. Zaara Shaikh Mumbai Independent
581. Joheb Ghori Jaipur Independent
582. Qurratulain Nagpur Jamate Islami hind
583. Satnam Kaur New Delhi Saheli
584. Savita Sharma Delhi Saheli
586. Bilal Khan Mumbai GBGBA
587. Dr. Tarannum Siddiqui Delhi Independent
588. Rupsa Mallik Gurgaon Feminist activist
589. T R Kidwai New Delhi Independent
591. Mamta Singh Lucknow Independent
592. S. Durga Bhavani Hyderabad NA
593. Masood Hyderabad Independent
594. Dr Rukmini Rao Hyderabad Social activist
595. Nazishta Nagpur Independent
596. MOHD AZHAR NUMANI Siddharth Nagar, UP Affiliation
597. Prabir Chatterjee Kolkata Independent
598. Farhan Sayani Navi Mumbai AIMIM
599. Kamayani Bali Mahabal Mumbai Jan Swasthya Abhiyan- Mumbai
600. Afroja khatun Kolkata Independent
601. Kanwaljit Dhillon Chandigarh Punjab Women Collective
602. Mohammed Ajeeb Bradford uk Independent
603. Kachim Silchar Independent
604. Nikhil Dey Devoongri, Rajasthan MKSS
605. Shanker Singh Dev doongri, Rajasthan MKSS
606. Shubhangi Shukla Dev doongri, Rajasthan MKSS
607. Renuka Pamecha Jaipur Womens Rahbailiation Group
608. Mamta Jaitly Jaipur Vividha, Women’s Documentation and Resource Centre
609. Vijay Lakshmi Joshi Jaipur PUCL, Jaipur
610. Tishna Senapaty Jaipur PUCL, Rajasthan
611. Komal Srivastava Jaipur BGVS
612. Sarla Kumari Yadav Jaipur PUCL Jaipur
613. Sister carol Ajmer PUCL, Ajmer
614. Anita Chaudhary Jaipur PUCL, Jaipur
615. Pragnya Joshi Raniwada, Jalore PUCL, Rajasthan
616. Dr. Shikha Kapur New Delhi Academic
617. Tara Ahluwalia Bhilwara PUCL, Bhilwara
618. Lata Singh Jaipur PUCL Jaipur
619. Meeta singh Jaipur PUCL Jaipur
620. Akhil Chaudary Jaipur PUCL, Jaipur
621. Mewa Bharti Jaipur Rajasthan Mahila Kamgaar Union
622. Pushpa Saini Jaipur Women’s Rehabilitation Group
623. Shabnam Aziz Jaipur PUCL, Jaipur
624. Suman Devathiya Jaipur Women’s Right to Fight
625. Meena Gupta Secunderabad Independent
626. Ranjita Biswas Kolkata Independent
627. Kiran Banga New Delhi Independent
628. Dr Surinder Jaipal Ludhiana Punjab Women Collective
630. Muhammad T Mumbai Ph.D. candidate
631. Walter Fernandes Guwahati NESRC
632. M R Kidwai New Delhi Independent
633. Nivedita Jha Patna Bihar Mahila Samaj
634. Nisha Sidhu Jaipur NFIW
635. Meenakshi Bindoriya Jaipur NFIW
636. Isha Sharma Jaipur NFIW
637. Sumitra Chopra Jaipur AIDWA
638. Kusum Saiwal Jaipur AIDWA
639. Seema Jain Bikaner AIDWA
640. Durga Swami Sri Gangangangar AIDWA
641. Chandrakala Verma Hanumangarh AIDWA
642. Neha Meghwal Jodhpur AIDWA
643. Tara Ghayal Sikar AIDWA
644. Raeesa Alwar AIDWA
645. Shrikanta Shrimali Udaipur AIDWA
646. Asis Kumar Das Dankuni, Hooghly Social Activist
647. Irfan Engineer Mumbai Institute of Islamic Studies
648. Sunita Sheel Pune Independent
649. Dipa Sinha Delhi Independent
650. Aysha Khan Delhi Right to Food Campaign
651. Bhanwar Meghwanshi Bhilwara, Mandal, Bhilwara PUCL
652. Madhuri Badwani, MP JADS
653. Anuradha Talwar West Bengal PBKMS
654. Sindhu Jaipur Samta Manch
655. Ashima Roy Chowdhury New Delhi NCR Feminist activist
656. Zaheda Sarwar Jaunpur,U.P. Independent
657. Jaya Sharma Delhi Independent
658. Meenakshi Sanyal Delhi Independent
659. Swapna Banerjee Delhi Independent
660. Sanchita Mukherjee Delhi Independent
661. Suparna Delhi Independent
Shaik Zakeer Hussain is the Founder and Editor of The Cognate.